2023-02-21 14:00
Welcome to the first Innovation Tuesday, this event will focus on "Bringing ideas to life". Going from a bright idea to a fast-growing tech company doesn’t happen overnight. You will be able to meet Sajid Athikkay who will tell you more about his journey from a student at LiU with an idea, to building the startup DAZOQ together with his co-founder Dominic Francis. DAZOQ have solutions to create a sustainable industry by providing industries the data to find energy saving opportunities that saves capital as well as the carbon footprint.
The event is organized by Student Innovation by LiU in collaboration with LEAD business incubator.
Innovation Tuesday is run by Student Innovation by LiU and the first event is created together with LEAD Business Incubator. Who is supporting startups that want to make a difference and grow fast. Our offering is designed around the startups needs, so they can focus on the right things at the right time to develop their startup into a future growth company.
@ Lövverket, Studenthuset Linköpings universitet 583 29 Linköping
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